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 1. Pastor Bob Stewart  The Politically Ccorrect Christian  Metro SDA Church Service 
 2. Graham Beynon  Politically Incorrect Acts 4:1-22  Avenue Community Church 
 3. FET Dream  Politically Correct Demo   
 4. Barry Cameron  Surviving A Politically Correct, Tolerant Culture  The Survivor's Club 
 5. Allison Kasic and Carrie Lukas  The Politically Incorrect Guide to Women Sex and Feminism   
 6. Allison Kasic and Carrie Lukas  The Politically Incorrect Guide to Women Sex and Feminism   
 7. Allison Kasic and Carrie Lukas  The Politically Incorrect Guide to Women Sex and Feminism   
 8. Allison Kasic and Carrie Lukas  The Politically Incorrect Guide to Women Sex and Feminism   
 9. Allison Kasic and Carrie Lukas  The Politically Incorrect Guide to Women Sex and Feminism   
 10. Allison Kasic and Carrie Lukas  The Politically Incorrect Guide to Women Sex and Feminism   
 11. Inside Digital Media with Phil Leigh  Politically Incorrect Guide To English and American Literature  Inside Digital Media with Phil Leigh 
 12. National Radio Project  06-09 "We're Not Couch Potatoes: TV Fans Get Politically Active Online"  Making Contact 
 13. atsuki sakaji  special christian american campaign - now theyve gone and done it - its a national anti christian move   
 14. St. Augustine  Chs. 17-19: Threefold division of the various kinds of speech. The Christian orator is constantly dealing with great matters. The Christian teacher must use different styles on different occasions.  On Christian Doctrine: Bk. 4 
 15. Dr. Peter Masters  Christian Witness in A Post-Christian World   
 16. Pastor David Legge  15-Christian Liberty And The Christian's Purity  1 Corinthians 
 17. St. Augustine  Chs 1-4: This work not intended to teach rhetoric. It is lawful for a Christian teacher to use rhetoric. Proper means and age to learn rhetorical skill. The duty of the Christian teacher.  On Christian Doctrine: Bk. 4 
 18. William Lane Craig and Keith Parsons  Why I Am / Am Not a Christian  Why I Am / Am Not a Christian 
 19. Christian Nuernbergk  christian.mp3   
 20. Adrian Rogers  What Every Christian Ought to Know  For Faith & Family Radio 
 21. Fergus Buchanan  What is a Christian?   
 22. Cary Borkert  What should a christian believe about war   
 23. Wayne Jacobsen and Brad Cummings  UN-Christian?  The God Journey 
 24. Wayne Jacobsen and Brad Cummings  Are You a Christian?  The God Journey 
 25. William Lane Craig and Keith Parsons  Why I Am / Am Not a Christian  Why I Am / Am Not a Christian 
 26. Pastor Charlie Burress  Christian? In Name Only!   
 27. China Crisis  Christian  Difficult Shapes & Passive Rhythms, Some People Think It's Fun To Entertain   
 28. Ray C. Stedman  The Christian and the Jew  Romans 
 29. Wayne Jacobsen and Brad Cummings  Are You a Christian?  The God Journey 
 30. Darren Wershler-Henry  10 Out of 10, 2 - Christian Bök  The Line Reading Series, The Drawing Center, NYC, 4/8/03, pt. 2 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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